After having spent some time in the Pharo community, I have realized how much people rely on tests, not only to find bugs, but as a core developping tool. In Pharo, the idea of TDD is really pushed as far as it can go: the typical workflow is to write unit tests, run them, which of course fails (because no other code has been written yet) complaining that a given method is not implemented. This failure is caught by the Pharo runtime, which opens their cool debugger. The important part is that the debugger allows you to write code right away, to fill up the missing method. Then, you ask the debugger to continue the execution where it was left, and the Pharo VM patches every live object to take into accounts the modifications you have done.
Not only this sounds very cool, as there are people who literally never ever code from outside their debugger, but it also has a lot of good properties. You naturally don’t write code that is not covered by a test, since every line of code you write is written when a test needs it. This entails that every piece of code you write has examples that use them: their unit tests. I have heard of some people who say they don’t need to write documentation, because they write clear and concise unit tests, which act as the documentation. In fact, I have even heard a bold claim
“If it’s not tested, it’s not a feature” — Cueball
After some search, I’ve realized that similar slogans are quite common among TDD enthusiasts ("if it’s not tested, it’s broken", …). And it’s hard to argue with the facts: there is not a single medium to big project that doesn’t have a sizeable test suite, because humans make mistakes and coding is hard.
That being said, I’ve been puzzled for some time by that first sentence, “if it’s not tested, it’s not a feature”, which somehow implies that all features are testable. Is that really the case? If not, how could I detect a bug in a feature that no test could reveal? The rest of this post will be spent searching for this kind of bugs/features.
Detailed assumptions
First of all, the point here is not to say that a test suite is fundamentally incomplete, that is, even if all the tests are green, there can still be bugs. In the formal verification lingo, tests are said to be unsound. But that’s fine. Tests have other purposes than to formally certify a code base (documenting code, providing examples, tracking bugs, …).
In fact, we will assume for the rest of this post that we know what the bug is. We have a minimal, reproducible example that exhibits it. We have infinite engineering budget, so we can develop as much testing infrastructure as needed. We have an arbitrary amount of time, so our tests can run as long as needed to reveal the bug. The question is: is there a bug for which we still cannot write a test that exhibits it? Take some time to think about it. If you have no clue, and think that it doesn’t make sense to have a bug that is impossible to witness, stay with me!
First attempts: randomness and side effects
Maybe you have already faced a similar situation in practice: you know there is a bug, but you fail to reproduce it. You try to write some tests that would exhibit it, following some instructions an other user has provided you indicating what happened to them when they witnessed the bug. Yet, frustratingly, you do not witness any bug yourself. If you have later realized what was the cause for that bug, and why you couldn’t reproduce it easily, you may have answered our main question with one these cases. Most often, though, this does not qualify for the kind of bugs I was looking for, and I’ll try to explain why on some examples.
What if the behavior of the program is non-deterministic, as in, it requires a source of randomness to work (which is, in practice, extremely common because it is likely that the common datastructures of your standard library do so). Then, you could run your program in the same settings over and over again and, if you’re unlucky enough (or lucky, from the point of view), never witness that particular executation trace that exhibits a bug.
While this might seem like a valid example, it is not in my opinion because no program is truely random (at least, not in the sense we are using here). Why? Because programs delegate the task of getting randomness to others. Typically, when you have a pseudo-random number generator, you need to initialize it with a random seed, otherwise you’ll always get the same results, and there is no random in it. The operating system can provide randomness, every cryptographically good; but in a test environment, you mock the operating system. You are testing your program, not your program and the running operating system. Remember that, in our setup, we already know where the bug is and what it is, and we have infinite engineering budget, so it is feasible to mock the operating system to give the exact random seed that will trigger the bug. Similarly, if you use some external input as a seed (the user typing on their keyboard, whatever eletrical noise a driver is reading, or if you have a magma lamp connected to your computer to provide true randomness), that external input is not part of the software you are testing, it is part of the environment which contributes in modifying the software behavior, so you can mock it.
Side effects
In fact, both of the previous attempts are examples of side effects, at the level of the program, that is, ways to interact (may that be a read or a write operation) with the environment, in a broad sense. Time itself, for instance, is part of the execution environment of a program, and, even though it can only be read (that is, until our hardware includes time machines), it can lead to non-determinism in our execution.
However, if we fix the environment (by mocking it), then there is no longer a source of randomness (this is not completely true, we’ll come back on this later). This means that all the bugs that rely on side effects are good examples of bugs that cannot be witnessed. In fact, we will see in the next section that there are very simple bugs that cannot be witnessed, in a pure, deterministic context, and that there is no need to “cheat” to find such an example.
Liveness and safety
Without further ado, let me reveal the first example we will consider: a program whose only feature is that it terminates. A very simple noop. Now, consider that I am very stupid, and I have introduced a bug in this (empty) program: I have accidentally introduced a never-ending loop. How would I witness this bug? The answer is: I can’t. After a finite amount of time, if my program stopped then my I can assert that this execution does not witness the bug; otherwise, I can’t say anything. Whatever my program is doing, it might eventually stop, so I cannot be sure that I am witnessing a bugged execution. But it might also never stop, so I cannot be sure that I am witnessing a sane execution. In fact, deciding whether a program stops in general is undecidable, so it is strictly impossible to exhibit this bug with tests, even though in my original example, it would be pretty easy to find the bug by reading it ("Who’s the idiot who added a loop in the program that should literally do nothing? They’re fired!").
In general, features can be classified as liveness features or safety features (or as a combination of both, I’m not getting into technical details). A lifeness feature asserts that something good will eventually happen, whereas a safety feature asserts that something bad will never happen. And, while it is easy to imagine a test that checks that there is no safety bug (because if there is one, it will happen in finite time by definition), liveness bugs cannot be tested, because if something good has yet to happen, that doesn’t tell me whether it’s going to happen one day or not.
Some example of liveness features that are important in real life:
- my scheduler will, eventually, run a given task;
- my database manager will, eventually, be in a consistent state;
- my network packet will, eventually, reach whomever it was sent to;
- my compiler will, eventually, stop its optimisation passes and generate code;
- my filesystem will, eventually, flush my IO operations and save my file on disk;
- my mutex will, eventually, be realsed so that I can aquire it and go on with my life;
- …
Liveness features represent an important family of properties of programs, yet, according to Cueball, “if it’s not tested, it’s not a feature”. Are you still convinced by that claim?
However, the worst has yet to come…
Non-determinism, second attempt
Remember as I claimed, earlier, that there is no primitive in a language that is simply non-deterministic, and that I would need to ask for an external source of non-determinism? Well, that’s simply not true, in general. To understand better the arguments presented onwards, I’ll talk briefly about execution traces, that I have already mentioned.
For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume that the execution of a program can be modeled as a sequence of states. At each step, you pass to the next state. Beware that, countrary to Turing machines, the number of states is not necessarily bounded. Indeed, if you consider the set of configurations of a Turing machine (a configuration is the information about the state the Turing machine currently is, as well as everything that is written on every tape and the positions of the tape heads), that is a valid set of state that encompasses every possible execution of any program on a particular Turing machine. We call an execution trace of a program, in a given environment, “the” sequence of the states of the program, step after step.
I have put the between double quotes because when there is a non-deterministic operation, there might be multiple possible execution traces after that operation is executed. Now, most of the time the set of possible execution traces is a singleton, containing the only possible execution trace (when your program is deterministic). But what if it’s not? What if there are, say, two execution traces, one exhibiting the bug, and not the other. How would you test that? Remember, you can alter however you want the environment but you cannot change the semantics of the programming language your software was written into.
Maybe some are thinking that, if the software is non-deterministic, you can simply repeat the test a large number of times; if the probability of triggering the bug is non-zero, then you have a very high probability of witnessing it at some point. After all, if we can witness it in finite time almost surely (ie. with probability \(1\)), maybe that’s enough to consider that we were able to trigger the bug with a test. But this reasoning is fundamentally flawed: there is no reason to believe there is a distribution of probability over the results of non-deterministic operations. To put it in other words, what if I have an operation which returns a boolean non-deterministically by sending a mail to Cueball asking him what the result should be. What is the probability of Knuth answering true? That is non-sensical. He could very well decide to always answer false in production, and true during the tests.
While this particular case might look a bit contrieved, there are similar situations that arise very often in real life. The typical example is when you use an underspecified API: the behavior of whatever resource you’re using is not fully described. When you test it locally, it behaves in a certain way (that is coherent with its specification), but when you deploy it somewhere else, the resource is implemented in a different way (which still adheres to the specification), which screws up your code. The behavior of the resource is non-deterministic, because several things might happen when you interact with it, but, in your testing environment, not all of the possible traces can actually happen. You can only see a subset of them.
The ultimate challenger: UB
If you think carefully about what was said in the paragraph about the set of execution traces, there are three possible cases, but we have only mentioned two:
- the set of execution traces is a singleton, the execution is deterministic, everything goes well;
- the set of execution traces has at least two traces, the execution is non-deterministic, things get weird;
- the set of executions traces is empty, things get weirder.
How could it be that the set of execution traces is empty? Intuitively, it doesn’t make sense for a programming language to have non-deterministic operations that simply have zero possible outcomes (and diverging counts as an outcode). Yet, it turns out that most “low-level” programming languages some operations are considered Undefined Behavior, that is, no defined behavior corresponds to that operation. At the language abstract machine level, if you were to try to “execute” a program with no valid execution trace, it would throw an error (but, with respect to the program, it would be a meta-error, similar to a type error, not something that you could catch). But, it is in general undecidable whether a given program leads to undefined behavior, and compilers have to output something when the behavior is not undefined, so it happens that a program with no behavior is executed. In this case, nothing has meaning anymore: by observing the behavior of the executed program, you can obtain no information on “its trace” (since there is no such thing).
Typically, this is the difference between what the C standard calls “undefined behavior” and “unspecified behavior”. The former has no execution traces, the latter has more than one.
In particular, it is possible for a bug leading to undefined behavior not to be detectable by simply witnessing the execution of a program. It might seem weird to say that a program has no execution trace while it is clearly executing before your eyes; this is one of the common pitfalls one might fall into while reasoning on UB. I suggest reading “What the Hardware Does” is not What Your Program Does, which does a pretty good job at explaning why it’s impossible to test “at the hardware level” bugs that lead to UB.