Regular pattern matching is comes up very often, both in theoretical frameworks and in practice and, as such, is a problem that has been studied a lot. The RAM model in which it is studied, however, does not always take into account the practical difficulties that arise with very large amount of data, which don’t fit in memory. For this reason, it makes sense to study efficient algorithms in a more realistic computational model, the streaming model.
Preliminary notions
Before diving into the main subject, let’s first quickly understand what the problem actually is. The streaming regular pattern matching problem is a generalition of a problem of great practical importance, which is the pattern matching problem.
The pattern matching problem
Assume we have fixed a finite alphabet \(\Sigma\) for the rest of the article. Given strings \(P\), the pattern, and \(T\), the text, over \(\Sigma\), we want to find all occurences of \(P\) in \(T\). While the naive method takes \(O(nm)\) time, where \(n=|T|\) and \(m=|P|\), the exist faster approaches that only take \(O(n+m)\) time1, which is also clearly optimal (one has to read at least every character in \(P\) and in \(T\)).
Yet, these algorithms are not optimal from a space complexity point of view: the naive algorithm only takes \(\tilde O(1)\) space. As far as I know, there is no known algorithm that is optimal both for the time and space complexity. However, counting the space complexity as we usually do is not necessarily useful in this framework, because sometimes the text is so big that it simply doesn’t fit into memory (think of database managers which easily handle terabytes of data).
The streaming model
There exist several computation models that take into account the aforementioned problem. We will focus on the streaming model, which corresponds to receiving the text character by character (like as if you were reading it from a disk, or receiving it from over the internet). In this scenario, reading a character again once it has been seen is expensive or impossible. Instead, every character that one wants to read again should be explicitely stored, and therefore counts in the space complexity.
In this model, algorithms that take \(O(n+m)\) time and \(O(m)\) space are optimal2. But we want to do better (if we have a linear space complexity in a streaming model, then we don’t gain much information with respect to a classical model), which means a space complexity that is sublinear in both \(n\) and \(m\). This is, in fact, impossible even without any time restriction, but only in the deterministic case. If we consider the broader class of algorithms to include Monte Carlo algorithms3, then there exists a refinement of the Robin-Karp algorithm that finds the occurences with high probability, and which has a sublinear complexity: the Robin-Karp algorithm works by computing the hash of a pattern, then computing the hash of every substring of the same length as the pattern, and comparing only the hash, not the whole pattern. If the hash function is “random enough”, this outputs true occurences with high probability. Furthermore, in the original algorithm, the hash function is a “rolling function”4, that is, if it is known for \(a_0a_1\ldots a_m\), it is easy to compute for \(a_1a_2\ldots a_{m+1}\). The refinement of this algorithm makes it possible to “roll” the hash without buffering a sliding window of \(m\) characters.
Regular expression matching
We might be interested in generalizing the problem to regular expression matching in the streaming model: given a regular expression \(R\), for each character (that we receive in a streaming fashion), we must say whether there is a substring of \(T\) that ends there and that \(R\) matches. As before, we aim at a sublinear space complexity, but this is hard so, instead, we’ll get a complexity that is sublinear in the size of \(R\) and polynomial in \(d\), the number of kleene star and disjunction operators in \(R\). If \(d\) is small before \(m\), then this is indeed sublinear, and we are happy. Note that the parameter \(d\) has been introduced because, in practice, it has been observed to be significantly smaller than \(m\).
The first step to achieve this result is to construct the Thompson automata of \(R\). We observe that parts of \(R\) that were simply concatenations of characters end up as sequences of nodes that only have one outgoing transition (except for the last one). We can therefore pack together these strings, which we will call atomic strings of \(R\), and the resulting automaton has size \(O(d)\). The main idea of the algorithm is then to find matches of the atomic strings using the streaming pattern matching algorithm, and then to “stitch” together these matches into runs over the automata. Indeed, for each atomic string, for each character of the text, we want to know whether there is a substring of the text that ends on that character, and such that if we walk on the automata, starting on the initial state, following that string, we end up on the last state corresponding to that atomic string.
If we just do that, however, we have to keep too much information about the past matches of atomic strings at any point in time. The first idea to make this work is to consider all prefixes of atomic strings whose length is a power of two, in addition to the atomic strings themselves. The set \(\Pi\) of these strings is called the set of canonical prefixes. We run the usual streaming pattern matching algorithm “in parallel” for every string in \(\Pi\). When a canonical prefix \(P\in\Pi\) has an occurence, there are two cases.
- If the prefix is a single character, then there is a walk in the automata that corresponds to a suffix of the prefix of \(T\) seen so far ending with \(P\) if, and only if, there is such a walk ending with an atomic string \(A\) on the previous character, and \(P\) is reachable from the last state of \(A\) with ϵ-transitions (the set of such atomic strings is precomputed). This is easy to check: for every atomic string \(A\), we can remember if it has an occurence in the last character, and that fits in \(O(d)\) space.
- Otherwise, we consider \(P’\) the canonical prefix of half the size of \(P\) (or a bit more, if \(P\) is an atomic string). Now, to know whether there is a walk on the automata that ends with \(P\), it is sufficient to know whether there is a walk on the automata that ends with \(P’\), \(|P’|\) characters in the past. To know this, we must remember whether an index \(i\) has an occurence of any canonical prefix \(Q\) for \(|Q|\) characters, which, if done naively, requires too much memory. Solving this problem is the hard part of regular streaming matching.
Aperiodic canonical prefixes
But what if \(P’\) is periodic? Can we bound the number of occurences too? The answer is no, in fact there can be many occurences of periodic strings. What saves us in this case is that these occurences have a nice structure, which allows us to encode efficiently the set of their occurences.
More specifically, if there are enough occurences of a periodic string \(P\) in a given substring of \(T\), and \(Q\) is the period of \(P\), then that substring is also a substring of \(Q^\infty:= QQ\ldots\). In particular, the occurences will form a sequence with an arithmetic progression. In order to store the occurences, we can then simply store the first occurence and the number of following occurences.
That’s enough to store efficiently the occurences, but we are interested only in certain occurences of a canonical prefix \(P\): those that end a substring of \(T\) which also corresponds to a walk in our automata, ending with \(P\). We call those occurences witnesses of \(P\). The problem is that those witnesses do not have the same, nice structure as the set of all the occurences of \(P\) in a given region, because not all occurences are witnesses.
This is where technicalities arise. To find the witnesses in among all the saved occurences, we save not only the occurences of \(P\), but also the witnesses of the atomic strings that “precede” \(P\) in the automata, that is, those for which there is a path composed of ϵ-transitions from their last state to the first state of \(P\). To do so, we use the same trick, recursively: we remember all the occurences of such an atomic string \(A\) near the beginning of the first occurences of \(P\). \(A\) is aperiodic, then there is a constant number of such occurences, so it’s easy, we can simply store all the (recent) witnesses. Otherwise, the occurences form an arithmetic progression, so we store only the first one and their number. Again, to find witnesses among all the saved occurences, we apply the same trick. If this is carefully done, we only need to recurse a logarithmic number of times with respect to the size of the period of \(P\), therefore \(O(\log m)\).
Now, we need to “restore” the information that has been compressed. To do so, we reduce the problem to a graph one: given a canonical prefix \(P’\), its compressed representation of occurences, and its following canonical prefix \(P\), we want to know whether from the occurences of \(P’\) at the beginning at the set (those that we have explicitely saved) to the current occurence of \(P\), there is a walk on the automata the connects the end of \(P’\) with the end of \(P\), and that corresponds to the characters that are present in \(T\) in between. Of course, we have not saved those characters, it would have taken too much space, but we also know that that string is a substring of \(Q^\infty\). We therefore consider the graph whose nodes are canonical prefixes and where two nodes are connected by an edge of weight \(d\) if there is a walk with letters in \(Q^\infty\) from the first node to the second, of length \(d\), with \(d\leq 10|Q|\). Now, the problem is simply whether there is a path of weight the distance between the saved occurence of \(P’\) and \(P\) in that graph.
Finding weighted walks in graphs
Given a directed, weighted multi-graph \(G\), two nodes \(u\) and \(v\), and a target weight \(x\), we want to know whether there is a path from \(u\) to \(v\) of weight \(x\). We solve this problem using dynamic programming: for every pair of nodes and weight \(w\leq x\), we decide whether there is a path from the first node to the second of weight \(w\): for any \(k\), we consider \(C_k\) a matrix of bit-vectors. Intuitively, \(C_k[u,v][d]\) indicates whether there is a path from \(u\) to \(v\) of weight \(d\), but only contains that information for \(d\leq 2^k\). Then, if we define \(\odot\) with
\[ (A\odot B)[u,v][d] = \bigvee_{\substack{w\in V(G)\\ i\in \{0,\ldots,d\}}} A[u,w][i]\land B[w,v][d-i] \]
we can compute \(C_{k+1}\) knowing \(C_k\) and \(C_0\), using the relation
\[ C_{k+1}=C_k\odot C_0\odot C_k \]
This relation is true because, for any path of weight \(d\leq 2^{k+1}\), there is an edge in that path such that if it is removed, the two remaning paths have weight at most \(2^k\).
Observe that \(\odot\) is essentially computing convolutions (and taking the disjunction of the results); we can therefore use the fast Fourier transform to compute it efficiently. If \(x=O(|V(G)|)\), this doesn’t use too much space. If \(x\) is large, however, we don’t obtain a sublinear complexity.
Circuit computations
In order to save space, we are going to encode our computation with circuits, and we are going to find another field in which the computations are performed. Rather than working with booleans indicating whether there is a path of a given weight, we are going to work in \(\mathbb{F}_p\) (for a certain \(p\in\mathbb{P}\)), and we are going to count (modulo \(p\), that is) the number of such paths.
The first step is efficiently finding a suitable \(p\), that is probably prime. I am going to skip the details of this operation and assume that the \(p\) we have found has all the properties we need with probability at least \(1/2\). Furthermore, to save space we can apply a transformation on our circuit5 which requires verifying that the circuit satisfies some properties. All of the conditions are verified if we translate directly our previous construction, with elements in \(\mathbb{F}_p\), but one: the circuit should not overflow.
To ensure that the circuit does not overflow, instead of doubling the weight of the paths at each step, we multiply it by \(1+\varepsilon\), with \(\varepsilon=\frac1{\log x}\). I do not have any intuition about why that helps besides the fact that, when you carry out the computation, it Just Works©.
Such as the KMP algorithm, which is a particular case of the more general Aho-Corasick algorithm. ↩︎
Which can be shown using a fooling set technique. ↩︎
In this context, a Monte-Carlo algorithm is an algorithm that never misses an occurence of the pattern, but might wrongly detect an occurence of the pattern, with probability at most \(n^{-c}\) for any constant \(c>0\) that is fixed beforehand. ↩︎
A rolling hash can be implemented using, for instance, polynomials over a well-chosen ring: a string is seen as a sequence of coefficients of a polynomial. The hash is then simply the evaluation of that polynomial at a well-chosen point of the field. For instance, if one choses a number \(m\) and a multiplicative invertible element \(a\) in \(\mathbb{Z}_m\), one sees a string \(w=x_0\ldots x_n\) as the polynomial \(P_w=x_0 + x_1 X + \ldots x_n X^n\) (assuming the alphabet has size \(m\), to see letters as elements of \(\mathbb{Z}_m\)). The hash of such a string is then simply the evaluation (in \(\mathbb{Z}_m\))of \(P_w\) at \(a\): \(h(w)=P_w(a)\). Then, \[h(x_1\ldots x_{n+1})=x_1+\ldots+x_{n+1} a^n=\frac{h(x_0\ldots x_n)-x_0}{a}+x_{n+1}a^n\] which shows it’s easy to “roll” \(h\). ↩︎
The transformation is presented in the article A Near-Linear Pseudopolynomial Time Algorithm for Subset Sum, by Bringmann. It consists in eagerly applying the Fourier transform to every input, which does not affect sum gates and simplifies the computation of convolution gates. Then, the final result is obtained by computing the inverse Fourier transform to the output of the circuit. With respect to that paper, though, the efficiency of the method presented here does not depend on the Extended Riemann Hypothesis; it is replaced with an application of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem. ↩︎