OCaml is a somewhat niche programming language. It lives in the small island of functional programming languages, but it’s often compared, not very favourably, with Haskell. This makes OCaml niche even among its peer FP languages. Yet, OCaml has a very interesting feature combination that, in my opinion, makes it stand out, even when compared to Haskell.

Note that, in all this post, I am going to compare a lot OCaml with Haskell, yet it shouldn’t be read as a comparison between the two languages. I chose Haskell to stand for whetever other similar programming language there is on the small island of function programming languages, because it is, to my knowledge, the most famous and used among those.

The pain points of OCaml

While I am going to show certain unique features of OCaml in this post, to be fair, I have to start with a list of OCaml non-features. After all, the usual arguments that are made against OCaml, especially in favour of Haskell, are valid, and it would be dishonest to just ignore them to claim how good a language OCaml is.

Type classes

There once was a happy programmer, you, who had to perform computations using floating point numbers (which made them less of a happy human being). As a perfectly normal person, you used an large amount of +, / and * before launching the compiler and leaving the room to get a coffee1, confident that you did a good job, and that everything would work fine.

When you sat again on their chair to see how perfectly well everything went, you felt a sudden shock: dozens and dozens of type error, claiming that This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type int. Quick, quick, get the manual, what is this sorcery, you thought, as you reached for the beloved book. You felt disgust when you read2

Notice also that integers and float-point numbers are distinct types, with distinct operators: + and * operate on integers, but +. and *. operate on float.

Painfully, you go through your whole codebase, making the appropriate changes. You compile again. This time, there is no longer optimism, you don’t leave your desktop for a coffee. After a short time, the compilation ends, this time with no errors. Ah, you think, this time things must have worked out as expected. Then you run your program, and you get an awfully uninformative error

Exception: Invalid_argument "compare: functional value".

You get to the manual once again (from now on, that’s a tab you’re never closing again). After a couple of minutes, you realize with horror what this is: this error message is a runtime type error. It’s a world that crumbles under your feet: you thought types were a compile-time only thing, and that “well-typed programs can’t go wrong”3, and that OCaml had type safety, and that, at this rate, you might as well program directly in assembly, at least you’ll known that you’re going to get screwed.

This tale of horror shows well the kind of idiosyncrasies found in OCaml that are very elegantly solved in Haskell with type classes. The problem is that, in OCaml, polymorphic functions cannot constraint they type they are polymorphic over4. A polymorphic function has to work for any type, and it has to consider the given type as opaque. This means that there is no way to write a single addition function that works both for integers and for floating point numbers. The Haskell-like solution would be to make the add function take the actual add implementation as an argument, ie.

let add (add_impl : 'a -> 'a -> 'a) (x : 'a) (y : 'a) : 'a =
  add_impl x y

the trick being that the compiler is automatically capable of inferring what add_impl should be, so that if you write add 3 4, the compiler would make it become add (+) 3 4, whereas if you wrote instead add 3.0 4.0, the compiler would have made it become add (+.) 3.0 4.0. However, in OCaml, we cannot mimic that feature, as the compiler doesn’t do that, and so our add function is basically useless. Instead of add (+) 3 4, one might as well write 3 + 4.

The second issue in our tale is due to a similar problem, which was worked around differently in OCaml. The problem arises with the equality test = (or any comparison function, actually). I can write 3 = 4 and 3.0 = 4.0, so (=) has to be polymorphic; but the actual comparison cannot be the same for every type, ie. you don’t compare for equality an integer as you would, say, a record. To work around this, the (=) function is “compiler magic”, ie. you couldn’t write it yourself, you have to rely on the compiler internals secretly exposed, which is, by itself, not very pretty. And, in this case, you can’t have a =. version just for float, because you need to be able to compare every type that the user can create, so the “compiler magic” is needed.

However, there is still an issue with this approach: there are some types for which it doesn’t make sense to instantiate the polymorphic equality. For instance, OCaml doesn’t know how to compare function for equality. And so, indeed, if you try Fun.(id = id), you get the aforementioned runtime error. Ugh.

In Haskell (and, more generally, in programming languages that use type classes), there are no such problems: instances of a given type class are created just for types for which it makes sense. What this means, if you don’t know what type classes are, is that, using the same addition example as before, the only add_impl function the compiler knows about, and is allowed to implicitly insert, are registered by the user. Similarly for the equality, if no one registers the equality comparison for functions, the compiler could never accept Fun.(id = id).

While the situation might look very bleak, people at OCaml are working on modular implicits, which, as its name suggest, would be a way to make the compiler implicitely pass modules as function arguments, similarly to how the Haskell compiler implicitely passes instances of type classes as function arguments. It’s not quite the same thing, but in the end, would permit a very similar kind of polymorphism.


One other key feature that OCaml lacks with respect to other function programming languages are monads. Monads in other functional programming languages are implemented as type classes, which don’t exist in OCaml. But even if they did, monads also need rank-2 polymorphism. That’s a mouthful, but an example should make that sentence clear. Consider a plausible yet simple definition for monads in Lean5:

class Monad (m : Type → Type) where
  pure : α → m α
  bind : m α → (α → m β) → m β

You might not understand all of this definition, but the important part is the first line, and more specifically m : Type → Type, where Type is the type of types (ie. String : Type). The type Type → Type corresponds to type families over types, or, said in another way, types which are themselves polymorphic. A good example would be 'a list: it can be thought as a kind of “function” which associates a concrete type int to a concrete type int list. That’s important because, as you can see, in the rest of the definition, m is instantiated with different arguments. While 'a list makes sense in OCaml, we cannot talk of just list alone, as the “function” which associates any type 'a to a 'a list. That’s a big deal, and prevents us from defining monads.

Just as loops and procedures are great, powerful and general-purpose abstractions whose absence you really feel when programming in a programming language that doesn’t have those (such as assembly), monads are very powerful abstraction that are used a lot in programming languages that have them, and that match very well the usual idioms of functional programming. This is why people push them a lot as an argument when comparing Haskell and OCaml.

In fact, OCaml has, over the years, been percolated through by ideas, idioms and naming conventions that stem from monadic programming. Some examples include

  • the Option.bind name (it’s the same bind as in the definition above, where m would be option)
  • the let operators, whose purpose is to mimic the do notation

In fact, even though monads cannot be expression with the core type system of OCaml, they can be expressed using modules (which is why people are interested in making the compiler capable of implicitely adding module arguments, and not just “regular” value arguments):

module type Monad = sig
  type 'a t
  val return : 'a -> 'a t
  val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

While this definition is not present in the standard library, it is in the alternative standard library developed by Jane Street, Core. It’s still not as practical to use as in Haskell, mainly because of the lack of implicit arguments, lack of do notation, and because it’s not as widely used in the rest of the ecosystem. There also are some rough edges, and sometimes working extensively with modules as first class values requires using lesser-known OCaml features, such as locally abstract types, for which, unless you already know they exist, you’ll get no help from the compiler error messages.

Where OCaml shines

After all of what I’ve said, you might be convinced never to use OCaml again. After all, it seems that Haskell is just a better version of OCaml. A pure version of OCaml.


Indeed, an important argument that is made against OCaml with respect to Haskell, of which I haven’t discussed yet, is its lack of purity. OCaml has some imperative aspects, and it doesn’t even try to hide them! Functional programming people are usually very much aware of the advantages of not having imperative idioms in their code base, so they tend to see every occurrence of imperative programming as a lost occasion of doing something better, ie. in a more functional (and thus elegant) way. And, while part of me strongly agrees with this (almost simplistic) view of the world, there is also something interesting that rises out of the intersection of pure, functional programming and imperative programming. Something that goes beyond trying to stitch a functional program together with an imperative one, turning them into an abomination of nature.

Figure 1: Haskemblyfuck, a chimera based on Haskell, assembly and brainfuck (don’t do this at home)

Figure 1: Haskemblyfuck, a chimera based on Haskell, assembly and brainfuck (don’t do this at home)

Indeed, programming languages like OCaml are ideal for data structures called “semi-persistent”. To undestand what that means, let’s make a little digression on data structures. Data structures (and algorithmics in general), are presented in an imperative fashion: the underlying model usually is (based on) Turing machines. Persistent data structures are those for which, even after modifying them, every “version” is still available, ie. every state of the data structure between two mutable operations on them is still accessible as it was “back then”, and can be in turn operated onto as if nothing happened to it. While this is a peculiar property for imperative data structures, (one that is usually hard to implement efficiently for an arbitrary data structure), this is very similar to how data structures work out-of-the-box in pure functional programming languages. Indeed, purely functional data structures cannot be mutated, so if one still has a pointer to a certain version of a data structure, the underlying data must be as it was when it was created; and it can freely be used without fear of breaking someone else’s data. However, it should to be noted that persistent data structure in general need not to be implemented using immutability. They should just exhibit observational immutability.

This is were OCaml kicks in: Conchon and Filliâtre built6 several semi-peristent (a weaker, yet still useful in pratice, version of persistence) version of classical and widely used data structures, such as arrays, lists and hash tables, in OCaml. These data structures particularly shine because they exhibit imperative-like tight complexity, performance wise, and yet pure functional-like signatures, with the same guarantees one has with such immutable data structures. This is only possible in a language where it is highly idiomatic to program in a functional fashion, yet imperative code is still possible, without additional abstraction costs to “bridge the gap”. That gives you the best of both worlds: efficient implementations with strong semantic promises. And, indeed, this is how every functional programming is, in the end compiled. Even Haskell has to do, behind the scenes, imperative stuff. The difference is that, in OCaml, this is a first class feature, rather than something people should be afraid of. Of course, this has a cost: beyond the stigma associated with non-purity in OCaml, this also makes it possible to actually write imperative code that doesn’t behave as if everything was purely immutable, which can be a curse.

But my point is, OCaml being non-pure is not a bug, or a hideous part of the language people prefer not to look at. It’s a feature. It has its limitations, but it’s still a feature. That Haskell doesn’t have. And, in fact, one might argue that Haskell’s way to cope for the performance gap is lazyness7.

Compiler efficiency

An argument that I also often hear in favour of Haskell is that it has a very good compiler, whereas OCaml’s compiler is “just good”. Don’t get me wrong, both languages have compilers with tens of year of engineering and fine-tuning, backed up by a significant amount of theoretical work and wise language design. It’s just that Haskell’s compiler really seems to be very, very good8.

However, to me, it seems that this is due to the amount of costly abstraction that Haskell piles up. Basically, Haskell has too many abstractions to be very competitive on the efficiency of the generated code, unless its compiler does a lot of optimisations. And it’s what it does. OCaml, on the other hand, has much less abstractions, and the more costly ones are also the niche ones that I barely ever see used (even though I do not claim to have seen a representative sample of all OCaml programs). In fact, OCaml has a more optimizing compiler, called flambda, which, besides making the “regular code” generate faster maching code (in general), also makes those costly abstractions much less expensive. But it’s not even the default compiler. Because, for most usages, the usual compiler provides good enough performance, and, importantly, is very predictable in the performance of the generated code, a property that the Haskell compiler lacks (and apparently some find very annoying).

A good example is the definition of the composition operator found in Haskell’s Prelude:

{-# INLINE (.) #-}
-- Make sure it has TWO args only on the left, so that it inlines
-- when applied to two functions, even if there is no final argument
(.)    :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)

Funnily enough, to make sure that the optimiser does the right thing, this definition has to be tagged as INLINE, it has to be written in a way that it will be inlined as wanted, and there has to be a comment indicating that it’s defined as so for a good reason. This shows you how brittle Haskell’s optimizer can be, despite the fact that optimization is very important for that language.

This also makes OCaml a suitable target language for a compiler, in that there are no risks of the OCaml compiler blowing up in your face.

Software architecture

An other interesting aspect of OCaml is its support for several programming paradigms, that allow different architecture design. A concrete example of this very vague-sounding sentence is introduced by considering a game containing various entities, like monsters (zombies, skeletons, …), passive entities, and so on and so forth. In an object oriented programming language, these might be represented by a class hierarchy, at the root of which might be the abstract entity class, down to a, say zombie class. The behavior for entities is specified by methods, which are implemented in each class. In a function programming language, instead, these might be represented using algebraic data types. The behavior for entities is specified in functions that pattern match on the entities. These might look like similar solutions in different paradigm, but are, in fact, quite different.

For instance, think now that I want to add a new creature in my game. In the OO version, that involves creating a new class that subclasses whatever appropriate parent class in the hierarchy. This is good, because it’s a local change. I don’t need to revisit all my existing code base to do so. In fact, I could even do so if I had to link against a precompiled piece of code, having only access to header declarations.

In my ADT solution, however, things are not so simple. Not only I have to modify the type that holds every possible entity in my game, which requires having access to said code, and not just the binaries, but I also have to modify every single “behavior” function that pattern matches on entities, because I’ve added a new case. It’s a highly non-local change.

Now, imagine that, rather than adding a new kind of entity, I’d rather add a new kind of behavior. In the OO setting, that means adding a new method, which means modifying the whole hierarchy. The behavior is tighly coupled with each entity. In my AST setup, though, adding a new behavior just means defining a new function, which can be done locally.

In short, code that relies on dynamic dispatch makes vertical extensions (those where you add a new case) easy, because the behavior is bundled with the objects themselves. Matching-based code makes horizontal extensions easy, exactly because behavior is not coupled with the data.

Most programming languages have quite an opinionated view on whether you should rely on dynamic dispatch, or case switching. In pure OO languages, for instance, it is considered not idiomatic to test whether a given object is of a given type. Think of duck typing, “if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck”. They try to work around the difficulties of making horizontal extensions by using hooks, double dispatch, and other kind of OO patterns. In OCaml, you are gently pushed towards the other end of the spectrum, as the most natural way to encode problems is usually with ADTs. However, OCaml has a very wide palette of features that allow you to trade off horizontal extensionability for vertical extensionability.

Of course, you might be tempted to remind yourself that the ‘O’ in OCaml stands for objective, which means that OCaml should be an OO language. While technically true, and while OCaml has a quite original yet featureful object paradigm, it’s a feature that I very rarely see used in practice. In fact, it might be the single one feature of OCaml I have never seen used in a real life project9. But there are other alternatives.

For instance, exceptions in OCaml are open-ended, meaning that anyone can define new exceptions and throw one in your code, so you can’t possibly handle them all, except in a uniform way that is not aware of the exact kind of exception. This is an example of a more general feature of OCaml, open sum types, which are sum types for which everyone can add variants. The pattern matching on these types is a bit peculiar, because the only way to can make it exhaustive is by adding a catchall pattern.

The more featureful way to have dynamic dispatch is to use first-class modules. Not only it nicely integrates with the rest of the OCaml ecosystem, and especially nicely with functors, but it is more expressive than “regular” dynamic dispatch, because modules do not just bundle values (which covers both an internal state and “methods”), but also types (and even type families, which is how you can encode higher sorted polymorphism in OCaml) and modules. Modules are also extra nice because they do not necessarily entail dynamic dispatch, and because the modular implicits planned feature — the one that is supposed to get rid of the very first pain point I mentioned — relies on, well, modules.

But the greatest part of it is that OCaml has plenty of features for various kind of dynamic dispatch (and I haven’t even talked about polymorphic variants, and the row polymorphism that goes with them), so that you can pick the most appropriate one for your problem. Most of the time, you won’t need those, but they’re always availble. And they all integrate nicely with each other10, which means that even if other parts of your code do not use objects at all, you can still make them interact with object-based pieces of code.

  1. You don’t like coffee? Yeah, well, me neither, but I still get a cup of coffee before compiling code, because I see many of my peers do so, so I believe it’s a good omen or something like that. You’ll tell me that this is cargo cult, and I’ll answer you that I’ve seen so many people apply cargo cult and get working(ish) results in the end that I believe in cargo cult being a proper way of doing things. You’ll tell me that this is meta-cargo cult, and I’ll politely remind you that this post is neither about coffee nor cargo cult, so if you could stop interrupting me, it would be nice. ↩︎

  2. You don’t believe me? And yet, there it is↩︎

  3. That quotation is from Robin Milner, and comes from A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming↩︎

  4. Except for row polymorphism, which might be seen as parametric polymorphism with constraints. But for our problem, row polymorphism cannot help. ↩︎

  5. Even though I’ve mentioned Haskell a lot in this post, I only did so because it’s (as far as I know) the most widely used and known functional programming language with a very expressive type system, type classes, and all the good stuff. Yet, I am more acquainted with Lean, which, for what we are interested into, is very similar. So, whenever I need to write snippets of code in a FP language that supports type classes, it will be Lean. ↩︎

  6. They do so in Semi-persistent Data Structures↩︎

  7. There exists a theoretical “gap” between how efficient you can write algorithms in a purely functional fashion and in an imperative fashion. That gap is, at most, a logarithmic factor, and there exists some problems for which there is indeed no purely functional algorithm that is faster than its imperative counterpart times a logarithmic factor. But this only applies to eager purely functional programs. See Pure vs. Impure Lisp. Of course, this overlooks the fact that modern computers have an inherently imperative architecture, and that programming in a pure functional fashion requires relying on abstractions, which can be expensive on their own. This is especially true in Haskell, where the difference of performance between the naive version of the code generated and the optimized one is very important, because their code generation generates a lot of stuff. ↩︎

  8. I have to admit that this is not something that I have personally checked. I have never run compiler benchmarks comparing Haskell and OCaml, nor have I ever read their source code to evaluate the efficiency of the algorithms used and which optimisations are done. But this is something that I hear from people who have done so, so I am rather inclined in trusting it. ↩︎

  9. Well, I lied. There is also higher ranked polymorphism. And there’s recursive modules too. And irregular types. And explicitly polymorphic type ascriptions. And… actually OCaml is pretty full of features I’ve never seen used. ↩︎

  10. Up to performance consideration: objects and polymorphic variants are, essentially, hash tables, which are much less performant than module values or ADTs. So, sure, you can use them without fear of incompatibility, but in practice it’s a good thing that you don’t. ↩︎